WKF YouTube channel 



Athletes qualified for Asunción 2025

Countries qualified for Asunción 2025


Countries qualified for Asunción 2025qualified for Asunción 2025
Countries qualified for Asunción 2025qualified for Asunción 2025
Countries qualified for Asunción 2025

The WKF 2024 official calendar 

Official websites of continental federations




 From the Pan American Karate Federation we give an effusive and sincere welcome to all the family of karate in the Americas. We intend this page is born today is the bond that keeps us together and serves as a window to the outside of the work done in the Americas Pan American Karate Federation in favor of karate do.




PKF Say NO!! to Doping

Desde la PKF nosotros decimos, NO!! al dopaje

WKF Approved Equipment

 World Karate Federation


