Dear followers of the Pan American Karate Federation - PKF:We want you to be informed of all the latest news and news, in a convenient and fast way

16/02/2017 19:23

Dear followers of the Pan American Karate Federation - PKF
We want you to be informed of all the latest news and news, in a convenient and fast way. For this we use a mobile application, easy to use, which occupies very little space and is also completely free.
You only need to do the following:
1.- Download the KONVOKO app on your smartphone or tablet (Android or iPhone).
2.- Once downloaded, enter the app and in the magnifying glass look for "Pan-American Karate Federation"
3.- VERY IMPORTANT. Click on follow that goes to the right.
That is all.


From now on, you will be connected and you will not miss anything, as we will send your interesting news to your mobile.